Burlington Checker Club Photos:

Paul Dingler vs Teal Stanley


AY Saul vs Ben Vaughn  -  Mike Ross & Bill Stanley watching

James Atkins - Burlington, NC

AY Saul vs Ben Vaughn  -  Mike Ross & Bill Stanley watching these two speedsters (blitz players)


AY Saul vs Ben Vaughn  -  Mike Ross watching


AY Saul vs Ben Vaughn  -  Mike Ross watching


AY Saul vs Ben Vaughn  -  Mike Ross watching


AY Saul vs Mike Ross  -  Teal Stanley vs Cowboy Simpson


Bill McClintock vs Mike Ross  and Bill Stanley watching



AY Saul vs Karl Kelly



Mike Ross vs Bill Stanley



Teal Stanley vs Cowboy Simpson



Allen "Cowboy" Simpson


Cowboy - Mike- AY- Bill


sister & brother

Mr. Roberton, son and daughter


Karl Kelly



Bill - Cowboy - Mike



Teal vs Cowboy



Mike vs Teal & daughter watching



 Cowboy vs Bill



AY vs Mike

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